Recently FIAT has announced a new model of 500’s line, the 500x.
This new model is the latest produced by the automotive company and so they decide to publicize it with a funny video ad.

The soul of the car is always the same, a classic 500, but how they have transformed into a new and shiny 500x?

Check it Out!

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Today I wanna show you the weridest ads that I found till today on the worldwideweb.
The company that decide to create this one is Microsoft that decided to sponsorize is new Note service for Windows8, OneNote.
But that’s enough. I don’t want to tell you anything more. Check out the weirdest video ad on the net!

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Guinness is a popular Irish beer that originated in Dublin and it is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. It is brewed in almost 60 countries and is available in over 120.
The company not only care the product but it been also attentive to its consumer, and in fact created these two video advertising that are really beautiful
The motto of the ad and the company now is “Made of More” , whatch the videos, you’ll not regret!

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