
Ferrarelle, one of the leaders in sales of bottled water decided to make some ad about the original and natural essence of its product.

These ad are made for reveal the very essence of the Ferrarelle’s water and the true essence on our organism.
Check it out!

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Recently FIAT has announced a new model of 500’s line, the 500x.
This new model is the latest produced by the automotive company and so they decide to publicize it with a funny video ad.

The soul of the car is always the same, a classic 500, but how they have transformed into a new and shiny 500x?

Check it Out!

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Do you know Snickers? Is a very well-known trick in the market.

But just today the company have create an ad very actual. Do you know how it’s happened in the FIFA WORD CPU 2014 yesterday in the match Italo – Uruguay?

A soccer, Luis Suarez gave a vite to the italian soccer Chiellini. The web has immediata started to ironize about the fact but Snickers Instead he took the ball and has developed on an advertisement showing great creativity and marketing skills.
Find out the Ad!

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