French Ministry of Women’s Righs

The french ministry of women’s right release in 2013 some very strong ads about the domestic violence claimed to the women.

They try to give a strong message about these orrible facts with powerful image connected to a effective message by puns with the phrase “I love you” in different languages.

Find out!

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Recently FIAT has announced a new model of 500’s line, the 500x.
This new model is the latest produced by the automotive company and so they decide to publicize it with a funny video ad.

The soul of the car is always the same, a classic 500, but how they have transformed into a new and shiny 500x?

Check it Out!

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Rubbermaid is an American manufacturer and distributor of many household items and one of his most-known product are its yellow glove that are sold all over the world.
They have recently created a some interesting advert that combine the product and some other concept of life.

This advert are incetrated on the motto: “Made to do what hands wouldn’t”
Find out, you’ll not regret!

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MEO is the commercial brand-name of a triple-play subscription home telecommunications service provided by Portugal Telecom.
To sponsorize is new service associated with the famous Telepizza, an app conceived of as a service for ordering food by phone, which now allows you to order food directly from the remote control on our television create a seried of advertising named:

“Telepizza on your video on demand. It’s not fiction”
Find out the Ad that combined food delivery service and movies!

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