
Rubbermaid is an American manufacturer and distributor of many household items and one of his most-known product are its yellow glove that are sold all over the world.
They have recently created a some interesting advert that combine the product and some other concept of life.

This advert are incetrated on the motto: “Made to do what hands wouldn’t”
Find out, you’ll not regret!

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Land Rover

If you surf this website you can find some other adv of this automtive company.
The advert that this company create for attract his consumer are always very brilliant and these 3 new ad aren’t less from the previous.

So all the world know that the Land Rover car are suitable to all the situation that you can deal with, fromt the city to the highest mountain, but what about the very extreme situation?
The Land Rover do it well, so, check this new hilarious minimal ads and find where you can go!

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Guinness is a popular Irish beer that originated in Dublin and it is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. It is brewed in almost 60 countries and is available in over 120.
The company not only care the product but it been also attentive to its consumer, and in fact created these two video advertising that are really beautiful
The motto of the ad and the company now is “Made of More” , whatch the videos, you’ll not regret!

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