
Ferrarelle, one of the leaders in sales of bottled water decided to make some ad about the original and natural essence of its product.

These ad are made for reveal the very essence of the Ferrarelle’s water and the true essence on our organism.
Check it out!

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In the advertising system probabily what really interest is how the ad are done. But you know who or how they did it? I think that today there’s nothing that cannot pass through the program of Adobe family like Photoshop or Illustrator, and Adobe knows it. So they have create a print campaign titled “Welcome to Cannes,” created by Goodby Silverstein & Partners where features some of the world’s most awarded and respected advertising illuminati and all of these figure create his own design that will be displayed right smack-dab at the entrance of the Palais in the entry point for over 12,000 attendees for this event. Check the Alex Trochut, Fernanda Romano, PJ Pereira, Erik Kallman, Mike Ebeling, Jeff Benjamin creative scene and also the video of all the people that are inside the project and see their protfolio!

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MEO is the commercial brand-name of a triple-play subscription home telecommunications service provided by Portugal Telecom.
To sponsorize is new service associated with the famous Telepizza, an app conceived of as a service for ordering food by phone, which now allows you to order food directly from the remote control on our television create a seried of advertising named:

“Telepizza on your video on demand. It’s not fiction”
Find out the Ad that combined food delivery service and movies!

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